

Cours Semestre 7 - 2 enseignements au choix

Semestre 7

Intégralement en anglais - Arts plastiques : The more I draw, the better I see and the more I understand - Réjane Lhote

Enseignant(s) : Réjane Lhote

  • Année : 4
  • Semestre : 7
  • Affilié à un groupe : non

Objectifs pédagogiques

An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris


The aims of this semester are to become familiar with the milestone French author George Perec and to practice drawing in its many means of explorations.


I want us to consider how the spaces in which we live are arranged, and to question the notion of the wall - physical and/or invisible - and how a wall organises or disorganises a space, whether it's the walls in our bedrooms, the walls of a building such as our school,

Having in mind “An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris” and “Species of Spaces and Other Pieces” where Georges Perec unveils a different way of looking at interiors, architecture and the built environment. He opens the book with the description of the page within the book itself and then proceeds to the description of the bedroom: the bed, the apartment, the staircase, the apartment building, and gradually widens the circle of the story to finally reach the world.




Through drawing, we question

what distances us

what brings us together

what binds us together

what separates us.



This exploration of the theme will begin with observational drawing outdoors.

3 territorial explorations/ starting points and then will develop into a series of drawings.


- attendance and implication in the course.

- development of personal investigation, renewal of research questions.

- singularity and outcome of experimentations


'The more I draw, the better I see and the more I understand.' R. Serra


Espèces d'espaces. Paris : Galilée, 1974

La Vie mode d'emploi : romans. Paris : Hachette, 1978

Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien. Paris : Christian Bourgois, 1982