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Lamberti, G., Contrada, F., Kindinis, A. (2024) Exploring adaptive strategies to cope with climate change: the case study of Le Corbusier's Modern Architecture retrofitting, Energy and Buildings, 302, 113756
Lamberti, G., Leccese, F., Salvadori, G., Contrada, F., Kindinis, A. (2023). Investigating the effects of climate on thermal adaptation: a comparative field study in naturally ventilated university classrooms. Energy and Buildings, 294, 113227.
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Contrada, F., Causone, F., Allab, Y., & Kindinis, A. (2022). A new method for air exchange efficiency assessment including natural and mixed mode ventilation. Energy and Buildings, 111553.
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Contrada, F., Kindinis, A., & Dony, A. (2015). Hemp-lime in construction: applications, comfort qualities and critical analysis. CIGOS2015-PARIS, 11-12 May 2015, ENS Cachan, France